Monthly Archives: March 2024

Master Class on Objective-Driven AI

AI Tech Circle Hey Reader! This weekend, my attention was drawn to the lecture from Yann LeCun, a Professor at NYU and Chief AI Scientist at Meta, titled ‘Objective-Driven AI: Towards AI systems that can learn, remember, reason, plan, have common sense, yet are steerable and safe’ and four design patterns for agents from Andrew Ng. The holiday period has started, and there will be no newsletter next week. An advance Eid Mubarak to whoever is celebrating. The first slide of 97 Slidedeck starts…

Generative AI: It’s All About How We Use It

AI Tech Circle Hey Reader! This week was dominated by the development of the Nvidia GTC 2024 conference. The keynote was exceptional, and it made me think about what is coming in the future. In the GTC keynote, NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang described a new industrial revolution powered by NVIDIA data center technologies, software services, and automotive and robotics innovations. He explained and demonstrated the revolutionary capabilities of generative AI, outlining advances in…

Crafting a Mindful Digital Diet through AI with Alex Fink

In today’s digital era, we are bombarded with overwhelming information on our screens daily. This flood of data creates a significant problem: filtering through the massive content to find what truly matters and what should be avoided. We must identify information that captures our interest, enhances our understanding, and enriches our lives rather than just […]

Unlocking Customer Loyalty with Web3: An Inside Look with Eric Mchugh

Welcome to today’s episode of “Open Tech Talks,” where we delve deep into the digital economy’s convergence of technology, business, and creativity. Our focus today centers on the transformative wave of Web3 technologies, with a special spotlight on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and how they revolutionize customer engagement and loyalty programs across industries. The advent of […]

Digital Safeguards: Unlocking Cybersecurity Basics with Nick Lorizio

In our connected world, keeping our online spaces secure is a top priority for everyone – businesses, startups, and individuals alike. Today’s episode is all about making cybersecurity simple and accessible. We’ll cover how to start protecting yourself and your organization, address the need for more skilled professionals, and examine how new technologies make security […]

AI Under the Guardrails of Regulations

AI Tech Circle Hey Reader! I worked the entire week to continue our earlier discussion on building the business-specific LLMs using RAG and covering its technical aspects. However, I got the attention of regulation from the EU, which has stringent guidelines. So I thought, let me cover this, as whoever is working in the AI field he/she needs to understand these regulations. So let’s go deeper today into AI safety and regulations and how AI is being put behind bars to ensure that it is not…

Large language Models from Buzz to Reality

AI Tech Circle Hey Reader! The most significant investment in Generative AI is at an all-time high. According to a Goldman Sachs report, AI investment will reach $200 billion globally by 2025. As per CBInsights, investment in Generative AI has risen to 4x in 2023 compared to the previous year. This all pressures organizations to get onto the bandwagon of Generative AI quickly. Everyone is trying to find the best use case that can be implemented for the organization. Navigating the buzz is…

IT ALL ABOUT AI & Try out Groq

AI Tech Circle Hey Reader! This week, I had a chance to visit WebSummit Qatar. This was the first time Web Summit was held in the Middle East, and I received an invitation as part of the Web Summit Qatar scholarship program. I was thinking, shall I go or not? Finally, I have decided to move on with the plan, and now I can say it was the right decision. As the world of AI is everywhere, the whole event was dominated by AI talks and showcases. I had a chance to attend many sessions, and I can…