Digital transformation strategy involves assessing your own requirements and corporate culture, setting business goals and identifying and tracking risks, conducting regular prototypes and testing, asking internal staff for input on these roll-outs, and using new technologies.
For years, the digital transformation seemed like something mostly about computers and software, and data. This is what businesses pursue, for the sake of IT agility, to extract new value from data, model software prototypes of physical goods, or develop business processes.
While such development initiatives are often vital to a company, it turns out that digital transformation is really about us at its heart. That has many powerful lessons to teach us how to think about technology and work, both now and in the future.
The COVID-19 outbreak is a tragedy that will have widespread and long-lasting implications for humanity and our global economy.
I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy. And the way discussion started happening in the organizations and at c-level on the key question. How has COVID impacted & how organizations operate?
These conversations make one point very clear. Business transformation enabled by digital is becoming the new normal as the nature of work is redefined by COVID -19. Delivering education online, shifting banks to digital apps, and accelerating the digital automation with RPA, AI/ML, IoT is now required, without any delay.
The digital economy is characterized by rapid development, change, creativity, and disruption. Organizations that want to keep up must be prepared to adapt to this new digital environment. But digital transformation requires more than just adopting new technologies, investing in fancy gadgets, or updating current systems.
That’s why it’s so important for organizations to have a digital transformation strategy.
You’ll Learn:
Business Transformation Strategy Development
- What is a Digital Transformation strategy?
- What is Strategy? definition of strategy in the corporate world
- How to develop a digital transformation strategy?
- Details on 3 steps strategy approach
- Examples of digital transformation strategy (public sector)
- Open Tech Talk Sessions on Digital Transformation:
- 65- COVID-19 Pandemic and acceleration of Digital Transformation
- 64- Coronavirus Outbreak: Business continuity & IT Leaders priorities
- 63- Digital transformation expectations vs. reality
- 62- First 100 Days of Digital Transformation
- 61- How to do Digital Maturity Assessment
- 60- What is digital maturity and which digital maturity model to choose?
- 59- Where to start in organization for Digital Transformation
- 58- A leap from Information Technology to Business Technology
- 57-Architecting an operating model for digital transformation
- 56- A Digital Transformation Framework
- 54-How to make a business case of Digital Transformation
- 53- Human Resources and Digital transformation
- 52- How you will know digital transformation is achieved
- 51- Enterprise Architects for Success of Digital Transformation
- 50- Is there an end to Digital Transformation?
- 49-What is for ‘me’ in Digital Transformation? Part 2
- 48- What is for ‘me’ in Digital Transformation? Part-1
- 47-How to win at Digital Transformation
- 46- Digital Transformation – it’s all about culture
- 45- How to Overcome Digital Transformation Challenges
- 44-What are the challenges in Digital Transformation
- 43-What other Organization are doing to achieve digital transformation
- 42-How do you start a Digital Transformation
- 41-What are the benefits of Digital Transformation?
- 40-Why Digital Transformation is required?
- 39-“What is digital transformation? Learning the basics”
- What Is Strategy, on HBR
- Wikipedia – The term Strategy means something along the lines of a “high-level plan to achieve a goal”
- book On War
- book The Art of War
- book Exploring Corporate Strategy
- book Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The difference and why it matters
- book Corporate Strategy by Igor Ansoff
- book 10 Must read on Strategy by Harvard Business Review
- book On Strategy by Boston Consulting
- book Leading Change by John Kotter
- book The digital transformation playbook, by David Rogers
- book The Innovator’s Dilemma, written by Clayton Christensen
- Deloitte article Strategy, not technology, drives digital transformation
- Digital Transformation strategy, example Australian government
- Smart Dubai 2021
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