
What is machine learning? learning the basics

Machine learning: a computer observes some data, builds a model based on the data, and uses the model as both a hypothesis about the world and a piece of software that can solve problems, According to the book ‘Artificial Intelligence, a modern approach’. Machine learning is a division of artificial intelligence (AI) focused on computational programs that […]

The history of Artificial Intelligence – Past and Present

I have embarked on a journey to study Artificial Intelligence and pursue formal study as an MSc course six months back. I was amazed to read the history of artificial intelligence. It was awe-inspiring knowledge of how legends have coined ‘artificial intelligence’, thought to share with you some of the highlights. It will give you […]

Gradient Descent for Machine Learning – A Beginners Playbook

Gradient Descent is the most widely used optimization strategy in machine learning and deep learning. Whenever the question comes to train data models, gradient descent is joined with other algorithms and ease to implement and understand. There is a common understanding that whoever wants to work with the machine learning must understand the concepts in detail. This article will […]

Digital Transformation during and Post COVID-19

Digital transformation is key during and post-COVID-19 enterprise resilience. COVID-19 forces the biggest acceleration in Digital Transformation. The world has changed post-COVID-19, and we all are going through it. The truth is it will keep changing, and we need to adapt to this, we need to transform our businesses, services to play our role in shaping the ‘new […]

72-Benefits of Decentralized Finance on Blockchain Platform with Jason Wu

Emerging technologies (blockchain, AI, IoT) helping the Governments to tackle the Covid-19 outbreak ranging from helping track the epidemic, clean hospitals, deliver supplies, and develop vaccines. Another way to look is during the COVID-19 pandemic, and technologies are playing a decisive role in keeping our world running wherever we all are lockdowns and quarantines. The […]

71-ChatBot for On-Demand Concierge

Chatbot uses artificial intelligence & natural language processing to understand what a human wants, and guides them for the action that they are looking for in software applications. Chatbots are helping all businesses to deliver customer services in these difficult times. AI chatbots or digital assistants are taking control of customer service. Covid-19 is accelerating digital […]