An open talk on the challenges of having a data pipeline for the images, audio and videos, The Hub enables to have several famous machine learning datasets with just a single command, like CIFAR-10, MNIST or Fashion-MNIST, Google Objection, ImageNet, COCO, and many others.
As I came from a Relational Database management system (RDBS) background, this talk gives me a new perspective and helps to think outside of the known areas. Enjoy the talk with the CEO of Active Loop. This session was recorded in October 2021 and is now being published.
Today’s Guest
Davit Buniatyan, CEO at ActiveLoop.ai
A great insight talk with the guest speaker on a topic, a product owner focuses on a dataset format to offer API for creating, storing, and collaborating on any size of AI datasets.
- What were the challenges faced in the unstructured data storage and how the hub is offering a solution to solve the data problem?
- The question of where you will store the large data sets of images, and videos – you will get all the answers in this talk
- How the opensource Github repo is helping thousands of people to use datasets to PyTorch or TensorFlow with one line of code.
- Website: ActiveLoop.ai
- Twitter: activeloop