Oracle Cloud Infrastructure basics of networking

[powerpress] What are the fundamental concepts of Oracle cloud infrastructure of networking is the topic of today. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Networking includes Virtual Cloud Network (VCN), subnets, and other components of the networking. Today’s session number is 85. However, today we will start new audio series to learn the Essentials of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Over the past few […]

How machine learning works?

How machine learning works in the real world and how data scientists use the four necessary steps for building a machine learning application (or model). The primary building blocks of a Machine Learning system are the model, the parameters, and the learner. The model is which makes predictions; the parameters are the factors or variables […]

Digital Transformation of Leaders

Digital transformation of leaders is a crucial area ignored or not considered at the business transformation programs agenda. Digital transformation requires top to bottom organizational change, which requires digital-savvy leaders and knows how to lead the digital programs. All programs are focusing on the digital transformation of the business or an organization. However, significantly less focus is […]

What is machine learning? learning the basics

Machine learning: a computer observes some data, builds a model based on the data, and uses the model as both a hypothesis about the world and a piece of software that can solve problems, According to the book ‘Artificial Intelligence, a modern approach’. Machine learning is a division of artificial intelligence (AI) focused on computational programs that […]

Solving Sudoku Puzzles – A Beginners Journey

Solving Sudoku Puzzles a beginner’s journey is the target of this week, you may be familiar with Sudoku puzzles and possibly have solved a few in your day or life. However, I admit that I have never solved any Sudoku puzzle. This post is our continuation of putting efforts to learn AI/ML & Data Science. […]

Notes from the IDC Directions 2021

I have got a chance to attend IDC Directions 2021 Middle East, Turkey & Africa with the theme “Resetting for the Next Normal: Strategies for Enabling the Future Digital Enterprise” key notes: by 2203, 75% of global 2000 IT organization adopt automated operation practices to transform their IT workforce to support by 2022, to support autonomous […]

5 Whys Problem-Solving Technique and Avoiding the 5 Blames

5 whys is the technique which I came to know form the book ‘The Lean Startup,’ and before I talk about this technique, I would highly recommend to must read this book, if you are in IT, it will help you a lot, it doesn’t matter either you are startup owner or working as an […]

The history of Artificial Intelligence – Past and Present

I have embarked on a journey to study Artificial Intelligence and pursue formal study as an MSc course six months back. I was amazed to read the history of artificial intelligence. It was awe-inspiring knowledge of how legends have coined ‘artificial intelligence’, thought to share with you some of the highlights. It will give you […]

Google Colaboratory to run Python code

I just came to know this new way to run Python code, if you don’t have Python or Anaconda Jupyter installed on your local computer and you want to run Python code, here is from Google, Google Colaboratory I like it, try out and enjoy coding with Python… Colaboratory, or “Colab” for short, allows you […]

Building Resilience in 2021 and Setting a Plan to Achieve

Happy New Year 2021 to you and your families; I wish you and your family peace and joy in the year 2021. We have passed this year, and I want to start this session with the quote, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. – Zig […]