What are the challenges in Digital Transformation

Today we will be discussing the top challenges that large enterprises born before the digital age or in the digital age are facing during digital transformation. Out of 1,000 business decision-makers, 98% agree the delivery of digital services is critical to a successful company, but 95% encounter challenges when trying to do so, according to […]

What other Organization are doing to achieve digital transformation

Organizations are increasingly launching digital initiatives to expand or build digital capabilities to deliver business efficiency or top-line revenue growth. Digital transformation success stories started emerging and we are seeing the trend, strategies, recipes that they have followed to achieve Digital transformation. In this session, we have covered a few of the case studies that will help you […]

How do you start a Digital Transformation?

You must be already having some form of digital transformation going on in your organization. What we have observed that Process digitization or automation is one of the first places business leaders explore change. The key is starting small and then building on these initiatives help to transform the organization and ready for the future. […]

What are the benefits of Digital Transformation?

The world is heading toward a digitized future and as we see around us an entire generation has grown up immersed in the digital world. The basic question keeps coming to mind, what are the benefits of digital transformation? In this session, we will talk about why Digital transformation is important. The all-embracing adoption of […]

Why Digital Transformation is required?

Is your organization embracing digital transformation?  What is digital transformation exactly? And if you are not embracing it, should you? And on the other hand, there are surveys being published on the success rate in digital transformation. In a new McKinsey Global Survey on digital transformations published in October 2018 ‘Unlocking success in digital transformations’, mentioned, […]

What is digital transformation? Learning the basics

Digital transformation is vital for all businesses. This message is coming very loud and clear from every conference keynote, panel discussion, article, blog, or study related to how businesses can remain competitive and relevant as the world is becoming digital. What’s not clear to many business leaders is what digital transformation means. Is it just […]

Blockchain is a Hype? 3 Lessons to follow

In this session I will be talking about, Blockchain is hype? what are the lessons to follow to decide a project on blockchain for business? I will be covering some of the insights from 3 research organizations Gartner, IDC, and McKinsey & Company. We will explore some of the highlights from an article published by […]

Tools of Titans

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

Most recent book read of the month is Tools of Titans The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers by Timothy Ferriss. This book is the  perfect read to boost your new year productivity plans as we are in the month of Nov 2018 and its a time for new year resolution 🙂 […]

Hit Refresh by Satya Nadella

An amazing book Hit Refresh written by Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, it truly inspires and has a personal touch of Satya’s life, family, childhood and life passion game – cricket. after reading this book i can very clearly co-relate how Microsoft is transformed under his leadership and this we can see from the outside. […]

Hit Refresh by Satya Nadella


My Toastmasters Journey

Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development. Toastmasters organization has more than 352,000 memberships. Members improve their speaking and leadership skills by attending one of the 16,400 clubs in 141 countries that make up our global network of meeting locations. Pathways helps you learn communication and leadership skills that you need to succeed. […]