UKOUG APPS17 Conference

This year again I have got one session to present during UK Oracle Users Group (UKOUG) annual conference, my session title was “The do’s & don’ts to Integrate ERP, HCM Cloud With On-Premise Application” and abstract “A deep dive integration architecture, common integration patterns session covering tips and techniques on ERP, HCM Cloud with on-premise applications. Oracle SaaS and PaaS provides tools and technologies to address various application integration challenges and styles. In this session, you will get a better understanding of what integration technologies and pattern you can use and how, when, and where you can leverage them to connect end-to-end business processes across your enterprise, including the Oracle SaaS portfolio in the cloud and on-premise applications.”

I have got surprise to see Angelo Santagata from Oracle A- Team as my session chair, it was great to have him during the session and he has also actively participated to answer number of questions from audience. During UKOUG Apps16 conference my session was before Angelo session in the same room.

Unexpectedly, room was full, even folks were standing on the door and number of were not able to attend due to less space in the room. Thank you for such a huge presence and it leads me to think how important integration subject is for any organization during digital transformation. My agenda was focusing on following 3 points:

  • What is required by Enterprise? (current challenges)
  • HCM, ERP, SCM Cloud Integration Strategy, Tools and Patterns
  • Innovation Platform – Oracle Integration Cloud

Dos & don’ts were discussed while talking on different patterns.

Apart from my session, I have got the opportunity to attend number of other sessions and each session takes you to height of learning – great speaker were presenting very relevant content. One of the session on machine learning is worth mentioning here, amazing contents with proper research… astonished!, session title was “The Art of Intelligence – A Practical Introduction Machine Learning for Oracle Professionals” presented by Lucas Jellema, Oracle ACE Director and CTO at AMIS. This session was full of wisdom… must to get slide deck.

Looking forward to take back all learning from peers at UKOUG conference to my friends, colleagues and customers.