Digital maturity is an assessment framework that enables leaders to determine where their organizations are in the digital transformation journey and a good indicator of whether an organization has the ability to adapt and thrive or decline in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. Based on this information leaders can set short-term and long-term goals
The key to assessing digital maturity is measuring your business’s ability to adapt to disruptive technology, event, market trend, competitor, or another major factor.
Now if we want to define properly, What is digital maturity?
dig·i·tal (a) ma·tu·ri·ty (n)1 \ˈdi-jə-təl\ \mə-ˈtur-ə-tē 1Merriam-Webster Digital maturity goes beyond technology*, and is about how businesses are adapting in a digital environment. Are they fundamentally changing what they do and how they do it in order to compete effectively? *Any technology: mobile, social, cloud, analytics, AI, blockchain, etc.
A digitally mature organization will be able to respond to technological innovations and changes in a market, whether it has initiated those changes itself, or whether it has no control over them at all.
You’ll Learn:
Digital Maturity Model, A Framework for Planning Digital Transformation
- What is digital maturity?
- What are different digital maturity models?
- Digital maturity model project from TMForum
- Deloitte Digital maturity model
- Digital Quotient by Mckinsey
- Forrester’s Digital Maturity Model 4.0
- Digital Acceleration Index from BCG
- Gartner Digital Business Maturity Model
- Digital Maturity test from digital leadership
- The EY Digital Readiness Assessment
- Digital Systems maturity model
- IDC’s maturity model
- Open Digital Maturity Model
“What gets measured gets managed.”
First podcast on oTechTalks was recorded June 7, 2015
- Open Tech Talk Sessions on Digital Transformation:
- 59- Where to start in organization for Digital Transformation
- 58- A leap from Information Technology to Business Technology
- 57-Architecting an operating model for digital transformation
- 56- A Digital Transformation Framework
- 54-How to make a business case of Digital Transformation
- 53- Human Resources and Digital transformation
- 52- How you will know digital transformation is achieved
- 51- Enterprise Architects for Success of Digital Transformation
- 50- Is there an end to Digital Transformation?
- 49-What is for ‘me’ in Digital Transformation? Part 2
- 48- What is for ‘me’ in Digital Transformation? Part-1
- 47-How to win at Digital Transformation
- 46- Digital Transformation – it’s all about culture
- 45- How to Overcome Digital Transformation Challenges
- 44-What are the challenges in Digital Transformation
- 43-What other Organization are doing to achieve digital transformation
- 42-How do you a start Digital Transformation
- 41-What are the benefits of Digital Transformation?
- 40-Why Digital Transformation is required?
- 39-“What is digital transformation? Learning the basics”
- Digital maturity model project from TMForum
- Deloitte Digital maturity model
- Digital Quotient by Mckinsey
- Forrester’s Digital Maturity Model 4.0
- Digital Acceleration Index from BCG
- Gartner Digital Business Maturity Model
- Digital Maturity test from digital leadership
- The EY Digital Readiness Assessment
- Digital Systems maturity model
- IDC’s maturity model
- Open Digital Maturity Model
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